Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Discussion 11 Communication Inquiry

Discussion 11 Communication Inquiry

Q This week we covered the content analysis. A big difference in content analysis is the coding of Manifest and Latent content. For this week's discussion, pick one medium (TV, films, music, magazines, tweets, etc.) and describe a unique variable that you would code manifest and another that would be latent. Be sure to provide enough detail so we understand why the variable would be manifest or latent.

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Manifest functions are deliberate in nature, they are also conscious efforts. The latent function is often non-deliberate or unconscious in nature. When we study in a school and learn various subjects we do it which the aim of becoming educated. So this is the manifest function of the organization called school. Now as we spend a lot of time in the school, we will definitely be making new friends and will learn the value of relationship and team bonding. This is a useful but latent function of school. The use of social media is for connecting with people and knowing all about the happenings in the world. This is the manifest function. But again social media is a great medium for advertisement and this is a latent positive function of social media. On the other hand, a latent negative content is the exchange of rampant fake news on the social media.